Corporate worship at Calvary consists of a worship band, worship choir, and vocal team. The team strives for a blend of the best of modern songs and ancient hymns that are God/Gospel-centered and appropriate for congregational singing. The following spotify playlist includes 30 arrangements of the songs we sing during our corporate worship gatherings.
In our Sunday gatherings, there is a joyful seriousness in which prayer, song, reading, and sermon all unite to aid God's people to see and reflect the worth of God. Our aim is for the voices of God's worshiping people to be the distinguishing sound of Calvary Church. We use a worship band to help raise the voices but not to drown them out. The song lyrics are tied to the day's sermon text and aim at the glory of Christ.

Worship Team
Rehearse on Wednesday nights at 7:40 pm and Sunday mornings at 8:30 am. Contact Rich Cowan for more info.

Audio/Video Team
This ministry includes mixing live audio for corporate services; building and running service media presentations; recording audio and video. See Rich Cowan for details.

Worship Choir
(Fall and Spring)
Rehearse on Sunday nights at 5:15 pm. The choir provides special music for special events, Sunday morning and evening services. All are invited to sing.

Drama teams meet as needed for special events. See Rich Cowan for more info.